Luisa Omielan


A comedy actress graduate, and a semi finalist in this year’s Laughing Horse New Act competition, 20 something Luisa is of Polish decent. Don't let the fact that she’s a newbie fool you, Luisa may have only have been performing stand up for a year, but she is already causing a stir on the uk comedy circuit.

Effervesant and excitable on stage with more energy than a Duracell charged bunny, her act which is largely based on her quest for not the one, (she thinks she is far too young to bother with finding Mr Right) has led her to gain a cult following as a minor YouTube celeb with her series of programmes giving advise to hapless young women seeking love.

Luisa's stand up has caused audiences to laugh, cry and she even shocked one unsuspecting male in the audience to suffer a heart attack! "It's your killer material" is all the man was heard saying as he was removed from the club. Luisa thanked him for the compliment, finally she had quote!

She has peformed at Banana Cabret, The Comedy Store, The Vauxhall Tavern and The Cottage Redhill. Having just come back from an excellent runat the Brighton Fringe with a stand up show ‘Ethnic the Musical’ Luisa is now preparing to take her 20 mins up to the Edinburgh festival this year and perform in an all female stand up show ‘Comedy Coven’.